And our Dumbass of the Day for 2-28-2020 is….

Someone in California stole an SUV from outside a church on Wednesday night . . . and didn’t realize it was a HEARSE and it had a casket with a dead body in the back.  They wound up crashing in a high-speed chase with police and were arrested.  


There’s a 47-year-old guy named Jose Ramirez-Callejas in Crystal Springs, Florida.  And on Wednesday, he was at a dairy farm and he got into an argument with someone else who was there. Jose ended the argument by picking up a bucket of COW MANURE . . . and dumping it over the other person’s head. He was arrested for felony battery.


A 24-year-old guy from South Dakota was pulled over in southwest Minnesota earlier this month for doing 92 miles-an-hour in a 60.  He got a ticket.  Just a few minutes later, he got pulled over by a DIFFERENT cop for doing 115 miles-an-hour.  He got another ticket. And when the cop finished up with him, the guy sped away . . . and he got pulled over AGAIN and was given another speeding ticket.  He also got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.


A 25-year-old woman in PA faces charges after police say she got into an altercation with two children in the ball pit of a trampoline park. The 12 year old girl said the adult woman called her “the C word” and that she was laughing the whole time. Police said the girl had a red hand mark from being grabbed on her left bicep and the woman allegedly scratched both kids during the incident as well as ripped off a scab that was under a bandage on her ankle. The boy was taken to urgent care and was treated for a sprained wrist.  The woman claimed she was playing and “thought it was funny,” according to the charges.  


A 51-year-old guy in Florida named Rick Lee Miller got arrested the other day after someone complained about him blasting country music at 4:30 in the morning.  He threatened to shoot the cops, and did have a gun in his waistband along with five knives.  It turned out he’d been drinking moonshine.  They ended up having to tase him, and the whole thing is on video.


