Starting April third, you can pick up your CNY clubhouse card.… MORE
The freshest new music first, week days at 12PM on 95X!… MORE
95X “Pick your city with the 1975” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WAQX (“Station”),1064 James St., Syracuse NY 13203, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website www.95x.com, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will…… MORE
dXn & Joe D chat with local legend Joe Driscoll about his music career and the upcoming Hanover Thursdays… MORE
St. Patrick’s Parade Photo Gallery! … MORE
95X’s Marty and dXn Drive a Centro Bus!… MORE
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2023 95X “Battle of the Decades” champion, PEARL JAM! Thanks to your votes, Pearl Jam has won the title of the greatest alt rock band of all time!… MORE
CLICK HERE to go back to the “Battle of the Decades” main page The Championship | Battle of the Decades… MORE
CLICK HERE to go back to the “Battle of the Decades” main page The Championship | Battle of the Decades… MORE